Wednesday, April 29, 2015


A little background on our family situation for those who don't know me personally - my younger sister Santanna & I are married to brothers. Believe it! I married Matt in May of 2010. Santanna and Cole, Matt's older brother started dating in spring of 2011 and married in the fall. Ok, now that that's established...

Last week was National Infertility Awareness Week. Infertility is heartbreaking and more common than most people think. I was very unaware of how devastating infertility is, mostly because I wasn't ready for my own kids, yet. . Once my sister was ready to start trying for a family - I could no longer be blissfully unaware. I only saw a few negative tests before I became pregnant with Kess, and that in itself was very trying for me. For other's it's much more devastating...

Santanna and Cole decided to start trying for their family shortly after they got married... each month became more of an emotional challenge. Negative test after negative test... After a year of trying, they decided to see a fertility specialist. They were told they wouldn't be able to conceive without IVF (In Vitro Fertilization.) IVF is very extensive and expensive ($12,000-$15,000) So, Santanna and Cole took their time, prepared for the emotional, physical, mental, and financial roller coaster they were about the endure.

After months of prep, medications, prayers and tears... they were pregnant!! Their little boy, James Conrad Kaiserman was born March 30th, 2014

Last Saturday, we walked the Footsteps for Fertility Foundation 5K in Boise. We all joined Santanna & Cole's team! They were given a raffle ticket for each person that signed up under their team. The foundation was giving away multiple grants to go towards fertility cycles and there was even a FREE IVF cycle up for grabs! While we all hoped they would win, we figured they wouldn't. But, someone would win and what a blessing that would be for them! 
After the 5K, we all gathered around for the raffle. The Utah group gave away a free round of IVF and when the winners were announced their whole group screamed with joy! We found ourselves tearing up for them - what an amazing blessing for them! I can't even imagine how they must be feeling!
Next they were getting ready to raffle off Idaho's free round of IVF. The mic was quiet and we all had trouble hearing, but then they call, "BABY KAISERMAN!" My sweet sister just dropped her jaw and put her hands to her face! I obnoxiously screamed all while jumping up and down like a crazy person! I called my mom to tell her the news. I was ugly crying, you guys! I'm sure it was a lovely sight! What an amazing blessing! They are so excited!! They are so humble and just can't believe it happened! Yay for more babies! 

To all those you who struggle with infertility, know that you aren't alone. You are prayed for and truly loved! 


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