Thursday, June 9, 2016

Summer Bucket List 2016

I decided to do a Bucket List with Kess last summer & we loved it! Matt joined in when he could, but while he was working Kess & I tried to cram in all the things we could do together without daddy. We did things like trying new parks, going to the zoo, getting snow cones, etc. We will probably try to do a few of those same things this year, but we added in some new fun stuff that Kess will enjoy now that she is a little older!

2016 Summer Bucket List -

-Go to Roaring Springs
-Go to the zoo
-Make homemade popsicles
-Ride bikes on the Greenbelt
-Go on a Nature Walk
-Go to Babby Farms
-Run through the spinklers (a lot)
-Do more backyard activities
-Play at new parks

What are some of the things that are on your summer bucket list? We want to add to ours! Give me all the details! 


  1. Hi Kierra - Sorry, this is not about a Bucket List, but I do think they are a must for every summer. I searched all through your blog because I thought I remembered you posting a type of capped-sleeve cami that you liked better than DownEast. Was that on your blog? What was it?

    1. Hi Judy! The brand is Heirloom! They are thicker and longer than the DownEast ones. I use both, but really love that they are long enough to tuck in & STAY tucked in! :) I snagged mine at Costco when they were there, but you can order them online --- Hope this helps! :)
