Friday, April 1, 2016

Challenge Yourself

Today I start a "be a happier person" challenge. And this ain't no April Fool's Joke! ;) My friend & I thought of things that we needed to work on. I decided on

•Follow a set meal plan. (I like to count calories; it works for me so it's my go-to diet clean up. I would like to lose 5+ pounds. I'm sitting at a weight that I'm not comfortable with, so I'm ready to fix that)
•Drink plenty of water (I'm shooting for 65oz. per day)
•No swearing
•No gossiping
•Work out (I can't do this everyday, so my goal is 3-4 times per week)
•Read scriptures, church-centered books, read/listen to General Conference talks (I find it so much easier to be a happier, kinder and more patient person when I'm Christ-centered)
•Say morning prayers
•Say evening prayers

I ended up with 9 possible points for each day. 9 points x 30 days = 270 total possible points. My goal is to reach 250 points by the end of the month, because let's be honest... I'm human. I'm a mother, a wife & I work part time. This goal isn't to make me feel guilty for missing the occasional workout, or for letting a curse slip. The point of this goal is to strive to be a better person. To be aware of how I think, act & speak. To take better care of my body & to be conscience of what I eat. To be more aware of how I treat people & my thoughts toward them. I struggle with self-discipline & tend to justify my actions. This month is about changing for the better.

I decided to take a "before" picture, mostly for myself, but every one loves a good "before" picture right? I know mine isn't the typical booty short & sports bra clad photo. The "after" shot won't be either. This may sound a little archaic, but I believe in modesty. I didn't always - like in high school & college. I kinda had the attitude of "if ya got it, flaunt it." Apparently, I thought I had it. A few years ago, that all changed. I had a desire to be a little classier and to strive for something more. For those who don't know me well, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I had my sights set on getting sealed in the temple to my husband. I had decided that whenever we were meant to be sealed in the temple - I would be ready, my heart would be ready and my wardrobe would be ready. I didn't want to have my alter my whole lifestyle once we were sealed, so I started preparing. I threw out clothes that weren't garment appropriate. I had made a silent promise that I would dress appropriately so show that I was truly ready for that step. Now, there are times that it's obviously not appropriate to wear garments; swimming, showering, being intimate with your spouse. Not wearing garments when working out seems to be a toss up. I know members that do and members that don't. It's the wearer's decision. But, I personally believe that whether you decide to wear them or not, you should still be modest in your active attire. Lately I've seen popular bloggers seemingly sacrifice their convenants in the name of fashion and fitness. I won't be. But that's me. I, in no way shape or form am judging someone if they don't remain modest during a workout. Not at all. This is just what I believe & how I feel.

I'm super excited for this challenge. I have a positive mind set, the motivation to change how I look, think, act & speak. Day 1 has started. Wish me luck! 


  1. This is such a great idea! I love your point system. I need to start something like that for myself.

  2. This is such a great idea! I love your point system. I need to start something like that for myself.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth!! It works out well in my brain & it really holds me accountable! I'm a week or so in& loving it!

  3. Kierra, I admire your strength and beauty. I agree is more classy to be modest and the way that it leaves you feeling is so much more wholesome. You're a babe!
