Monday, May 11, 2015

My First Mother's Day

This girl lights up my world! Couldn't live without her!

Happy (late) Mother's Day! It took me a little bit to realize that celebrating Mother's Day wasn't just to celebrate my mom, mother-in-law and grandmother's, but to celebrate me & that fact that I am a mother now. So crazy! 
My day was perfect. We have 9:00am church, so we woke up with Kess around 6:45-7:00am (early riser lately)... Matt gave me a big hug and said, "Happy Mother's Day! What do you want for breakfast?" He's good!
Matt made me french toast and asked if I would like to go take a shower, I told him yes and he said "Oh good!" That means he hasn't wrapped my present, yet ;) I took a long shower and Matt got Kess ready for church.
We keep presents pretty simple at our house... I send Matt an email with shopping links attached, he picks which one he wants to give me and has it shipped to the house. It works out well. I get something I want and Matt isn't shopping last minute. I got a cookbook I've been eyeing, so I was pretty excited about that! 
Poor Kess was ready for a nap right in the middle of sacrament meeting, so we decided to skip Sunday School, get her down for a nap and head back to church for Young Men's & Young Women's... She got a good solid nap in, so that was a Mother's Day present in itself! ;) 
Kess napped again later that afternoon and then we headed to see Matt's mom!
We gave our mom's initial necklaces for Christmas. They had both their initials and their hubbies, so for Mother's Day we bought separate charms with each other their kid's initials. They are so dang cute!
We went to my grandparent's for Mother's Day dinner and see my Momma!  We ended up hanging outside with my family and enjoying the good weather until it was time to get the little babies home for bed!

 Instagram @beautifuleffort 

Practicing her walking! 

It was a perfect day. I feel so incredibly blessed to be a mom. I always figured I would be a mom, but didn't grow up dreaming about being one. I knew I wanted to work for a while, then have babies, maybe work part-time or from home, and be home with my babies, but now that I have that life, I have never been more grateful for the opportunity to raise my beautiful daughter with Matt. We are truly blessed to be parenting together along side our Heavenly Father. Eternally grateful for my mom and mother-in-law! Thanks for keeping me sane in this roller coaster of motherhood... couldn't do this without you! 


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