Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Fourth of July

I hope you all had a great 4th! I'm pretty sure I say this every holiday, but holidays sure are different with kids. Granted, last year I was 38 weeks pregnant, so I wasn't lighting fireworks and running for dear life like usual - I was waddling and sweating. This year we were home early, got our little miss tucked into bed and prayed that our jack-wagon (my new favorite swear word) neighbors didn't wake Kess up with their obnoxious fireworks. (did that make me sound old?)

Our 4th was actually really great! We had a BBQ at my sister's house, had lots of family over, the babies got to play in the mini pool, play with toys, be the center of attention and have the crap scared out of them by fireworks. We lit a of those pretty colored smoke bombs for the babies, thinking they would love them... they didn't really care. I, of course cared very much because I really wanted to get an "Instagram-worthy" picture of Kess with pretty colored smoke in the background... eh, such is life! ;) We also lit a few (what we thought were) sparkly fireworks, but they ended up going off like a car back-fire and Kess clung to me for dear life, bawling. It was awful! We felt so bad and thus ended the firework fun. So we all gathered in the living room with lots of toys and let the babies play until their hearts content!

We made matching shirts for the BBQ. Because everyone needs a 4th of July shirt, right?! Yes. We decided to sew these cute little pockets on... trickier than it looks. Don't look to closely. I have moderate sewing skills, remember? ;) It was actually a fun little project, but might have to wear it for a couple of years to make up for the trouble (and seam ripping.)

Sunday we went to church in the morning and relaxed all afternoon! It was so nice to not have a thing to do. We watched movies, Kess napped well, we played fetch with Kane and went for a bike ride. I scored a bike trailer at a yard sale. Kess loves it!

And, the most exciting of the weekend shenanigans... Kess took her first steps!! It was so exciting! Obviously, more for Matt and I, but still! She did so great. She's still wobbly and defiant. We try to stand her up to walk and she won't put her feet down. I wonder where she gets that from? We are super excited for this next milestone! It's so fun to watch her grow and learn! We've been practicing lots over the last few days so she'll be running away from me in no time! ;)

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July with your loved ones! Stay tuned for Kess' birthday fun next week! 


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